2 Ways to Join the LGBT Law Section:


Benefits of Membership in the LGBT Law Section

  • Subscription to LGBT Law Notes;
  • Discounted membership to the National LGBT Bar Association;
  • Discounts to all Section sponsored State Bar of Texas CLE programs, including co-sponsored TexasBarCLE webcasts;
  • Access to the LGBT Law Section Texas Bar Connect;
  • Receive periodic e-mail alerts regarding matters of concern to members of the Section and informing you of opportunities to participate in committees; and
  • Networking at annual meeting reception and other section events.

LGBT Law Notes reports on LGBT and AIDS/HIV legal developments. It tracks significant new legislation, court decisions, administrative rulings and executive actions and highlights publications of interest. In addition, it serves as an information exchange about job postings in the public interest, lesbian/gay rights legal field and relays information about conferences and publication opportunities. Its focus is primarily U.S. law, but also reports on global developments from time to time. Law Notes is edited and chiefly written by Professor Art Leonard of New York Law School, author of “Sexuality and the Law: An Encyclopedia of Major Legal Cases” (Garland, 1993) and numerous articles on lesbian/gay and AIDS legal issues with a staff of volunteer writers consisting of lawyers, law school graduates and current law students. Published monthly (combined July/August summer issue).

Questions or Comments?

Please contact the Sections Department of the State Bar of Texas via emailor by phone at: 1-800-204-2222, ext. 1420.